Newsletter Sample

You know what? Creating the lives, friendships, relationships, governments, companies, work environments, neighborhoods, societies, and planet that we want to see and experience, all comes down to one thing: Giving a f*ck about the outcome. 


For a long time there's been a real cute phrase thrown around social media and pop culture. You've probably seen it. It's usually a very snappy comment from someone saying they have no more f*cks to give. Or about how they don't give a f*ck about anything or anyone. In the immediate moment, this detached, dismissive attitude might make the speaker seem cool, untouchable, and above-it-all. They slap on their shades and blaze away into the distance, with bridges and cities burning in their background. 🔥😎🔥 


It was funny at first but now I find it grating and kind of sad. This give-no-f*cks attitude might sound tough and look cool on social media, but apathy is no strategy for healing, growth, or connection. The “coolness” of not caring can't create outcomes that matter. And it won't lead to resilient, thriving friendships and communities. 


By definition, cultivating anything — friendships, romantic relationships, healthy workplaces, gardens, and a world where people can live safe, healthy lives — requires caring about the outcome. Caring, by definition, means giving a f*ck. If caring is considered corny or cheesy, so be it. I am here for the corn and the cheese. (And have ya heard of Korean corn cheese? What an amazing invention.) 

 Lets give a f*ck this week, shall we? Let's give many f*cks about our friends, our world, and our wellbeing. 


Here are six ways:

★  Make an apology that is long-overdue

★  Initiate a conversation that you've been avoiding

★  Tell a friend that you haven't talked to in a long time that you still care about them

★  Donate to aid organizations that are supporting people on the ground in Ukraine such as Amnesty International, UNICEF, or any of these other vetted organizations 

★  More locally, donate to organizations working to create a safer world for marginalized people, like Color of Change, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Black Lives Matter, and/or anti-racist organizations in your city

★  If you need time off and you can afford to take it, take it. Give yourself the rest, care, breaks, and the revivification that you need. 


My number one tip for you this week, friends, is to be like the Care Bears. 

Care, please. Care a lot.

The importance of giving a f*ck

Image of Care Bears bouncing across the screen. They're blue, purple, pink, green, and yellow, and they remind you to show your caring to others.


This week, Mia Brabham at Shondaland and I are digging into one of the most hot-button topics in adult friendship: WTF to do when you realize that you and a friend are super different with regard to your beliefs, worldview, culture, religion, etc. This week's piece titled How to Navigate Your Differences is the latest installment in the series The Art of Friendship. 

Do you care enough to communicate with your friend on the hard days so you can keep your friendship, or are you more likely to floor it towards Splitsville? Does the whole awkward scenario make you want to bury your head under your pillow? Either way, you're gonna get something good out of this piece. Dig in. 

I care about you, otherwise I wouldn't send you these letters. Take some action this week to show the world what you care about, too.

